Sep 9, 2011

Art class - lesson 2 / Арт-школа - урок № 2

Yesterday we finished our beloved satyr. "Beloved" - because it was not the first time we met. Our other passion - "Apollosha" with his wonderful curly hair and a bow (below).

Вчера завершили нашего любимого сатира. "Любимого" - потому что не первый раз встречаемся с ним. Еще один наш друг - "Аполлоша" с чудесными кудрями и бантиком. Чего он только не выслушал в свой адрес, красавец!

По дороге домой из арт-школы встретила вот такого парня. Чем-то он меня привлек - своей беззащитной доверчивостью, может быть:))
On my way back home I noticed this guy. Isn't he touching?


Sep 7, 2011

Back to art class!

Yesterday was the first day of our second-year art class. My classmates are all new but the teacher fortunately is the same. His name is Alexander Lapko and he is very honoured artist and teacher. He is going to have an exhibition soon (in October), and I hopefully will be able to make some shots there. All students seemed to be quite talented at first site, most of them were doing plain-air studies in summer.

As you can see this lesson was just a warm-up: satyr mask and some geometric objects.
Laying down on the floor is a student's homework.
There were more cool portraits and landscapes from students but I didn't manage to make shots somehow. Too little space and not knowing all the people could be my excuse:))

Information for Moscow residents: I am a student of Architecture and Design school. Apart from good teachers and interesting courses I appreciate a warm and creative atmosphere there.